
Support Live Mercifully

If you believe in Live Mercifully's mission, and would like to see high quality, ongoing content...your support will keep this ministry going! There are a number of ways you can support Live Mercifully. Continue reading to see how you can help.

1. Make a one-time donation.

You can donate securely via PayPal by using the button below. If you don't have a PayPal account, you have the option of using your debit or credit card through PayPal.


2. Become a monthly supporter

I use Patreon to receive monthly support. Patreon is a great way to support content creators on a recurring basis. Click here to go to Patreon.


3. Share the content

Another way you can support Live Mercifully is by sharing the videos, blog posts and social media content (Instagram photos, pins, tweets, etc.) Let's get the word out and inspire others to live mercifully!